
#noissues by APRICOT

#noissues campaign on all the beauty issues that aren't really issues at all

For some it's the first wrinkles, for others slight skin blemishes and for you maybe a tired complexion or a scar you can't make friends with. When you look in the mirror, you are your own harshest critic and, especially in comparison with others, you always find something about yourself that could use a little "nip/tuck". Yet it is often precisely these things that make us who we are and may appear very special to others.

What do we mean? Like this!

#noissues means that you can stand by your issues and if you don't have any - all the better. It's your own decision what you love about yourself and what you don't. Whatever the case, we're here to help you with a sustainable solution that's quick and easy to implement.

Because we're putting an end to endless beauty talks and experiments - over. Out. Beautiful! So you have much more time for the things you love.

#noissues by APRICOT

Four Mad Women

For #noissues we talk to four insane women who tell us what are the skin issues they feel insecure about. And we get to know the little hacks and helpers they use to never have to worry about them for too long.

Your issues are our issues - are #noissues

#noissues by APRICOT

Interviews #noissues

In this interview, the four give very personal insights into their definition of beauty issues, how they deal with them and how they solve them for themselves.





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